InSAR Services

InSAR monitoring  can be performed virtually anywhere on the globe. We are able to access imagery from several SAR satellites, so while we are South African based and have a strong presence in Africa, we are able to undertake projects at any international location. We specialize in mining projects but also offer services to the civil engineering, consulting, municipal, infrastructural sectors and more.

Our InSAR service offering includes either historical or current surface displacement monitoring, although most projects include both of these.  We also offer integrated drone surveys which compliments the InSAR monitoring. Detailed drone DSM’s can be utilized during InSAR processing to improve the accuracy of the InSAR outputs and the high resolution drone orthophotos are very useful for interpreting modeled surface displacements.


For the historical analysis we utilize an extensive archive of SAR imagery acquired over many years. Using this data we are able to accurately model surface displacement trends going back several years. A reliable baseline can then be generated which indicates the average displacement velocities over time. This information is particularly important when identifying deviations in displacement velocities on current monitoring projects which may be an indication of a hazardous situation developing.  

The historical analysis is a standard procedure at the start of any new project. This is essential in order to calibrate the system to ensure that ongoing monitoring achieves the highest possible accuracy. Cumulative displacement and average displacement velocities can be generated at the required time intervals. If terrestrial survey monitoring data is available, this can also be incorporated within the study.


Once the historical analysis has been completed, we also offer an ongoing current monitoring service. As new satellite data is acquired this data is processed to generate updated displacement reports. The frequency of the update reports depends on the satellite acquisition cycle and client requirements but is typically output on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis.

The surface displacement data can be output as cumulative displacement raster maps, average velocity raster maps, time series point displacement graphs or displacement profiles.


Cumulative Displacement Maps

A gridded raster map is generated from every new image acquisition displaying the cumulative surface displacement up to that date . Multiple maps can be generated for each update period enabling a detailed visualization of the deformation trends over time.


 Time Series Profiles

Cross sectional profiles can be generated across regions of interest such as tailings dam walls or large waste dumps. Each profile represents the surface at a point in time. Differential displacement rates can easily be identified over the sectional length. 


Time Series Point Displacements

Each measured pixel from the raster maps stores displacement data over the entire period of monitoring.  Any points of interest can be selected from these maps and plotted on a time series graph. This enables very detailed analysis of areas of interest from which any deviation from the baseline displacement velocity can easily be identified.

Displacement Velocity Maps

Raster maps display the average annual displacement velocity over the monitoring period. Variations in velocity rates over time can be identified from incremental map outputs.