Monitoring of Ground Displacement with Satellite Radar

What Is InSAR?

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a satellite radar technique for mapping ground deformation over large areas with millimeter precision. Unlike optical imagery, radar waves penetrate clouds and are equally effective at night. InSAR compares multiple satellite radar images over time, to measure precise changes in surface displacement and can be effectively applied to monitor natural terrain or man-made surfaces.

InSAR technology has been around for many years but  has only recently been adopted by the mining and other industries. The reduced cost of acquiring this imagery together with more frequent data acquisitions, better data quality and improved processing techniques have now resulted in the widespread commercial application of this technology for a range of solutions.


Processing Software

We utilize ENVI SARScape software which is a powerful processing and analysis solution for managing large and complex InSAR datasets acquired from various satellite platforms. Historical modelling of ground deformation is also possible by analysing imagery datasets from the past 6 years. 

Surface displacement maps can be exported in kml format for
viewing in Google Earth or as Geotiff or Shapefiles for viewing and
manipulation within a 3rd party GIS software package. 

InSAR Applications


Satellite Imagery

We can utilize radar imagery from several operational and inactive satellite platforms. Each satellite system offers imagery at various resolutions, wavelengths, and acquisition frequencies.  Depending on the client's requirements, suitable dataset parameters will be recommended for each project. Data from the Sentinel 1a and 1b constellation is typically preferred due to the shorter revisit times, better data quality and lower cost for the client. 


InSAR Benefits

  • Very large areas can be effectively monitored
  • High spatial resolution of monitoring points
  • Cost-effective compared to traditional monitoring methods
  • More accurate than LiDAR or UAV surveys
  • Regular weekly updates possible
  • The safest method for monitoring your assets
  • Benefits of remote monitoring
  • No site inaccessibility issues
  • No fixed monitoring devices required
  • Historical modelling possible
  • Weather independent

InSAR technology to determine surface displacement can be applied across many industries for historical or current monitoring and measuring.  The objective of utilizing this technology is to provide effective risk management of the project site and assets. Applications include open pit and underground mining, civil engineering, geohydrology, geotechnical engineering and others.

Radar images from multiple satellite acquisitions can be used to effectively model large areas of interest with a high level of precision. The modeled surface deformation is typically related to mining, de-watering, civil engineering, seismic or weather related influences.